She Rose, and Let Me In: Variations

She Rose, and Let Me In: Variations avatar

Instrumentation: solo piano

Year Composed: 2013

Duration: 13 minutes

Program Notes:

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She Rose, and Let Me In is a cycle of variations on a Scottish folksong of the same name, specifically Haydn's adaptation thereof.  This piece is a set of variations in the Classical sense; some movements are bracketed by repeat bars, one movement alternates running sixteenth-notes between hands, and so forth.  No irony or satire is intended by this adaptation of Classical conventions – I don't bring the theme in in the wrong key, or add “wrong notes,” or bury it in clusters.  While I embrace this Classical idiom openly, the intersection between Classical and Modern elements is richly ambiguous.

  • She Rose and Let Me In, Var. I: Presto

    Eunmi Ko, piano

Appears on Albums:

She Rose, and Let Me In

She Rose, and Let Me In Album Art

Released: September, 2016

Available on Centaur Records.

Debut solo album of pianist Eunmi Ko.

Includes She Rose, and Let Me In: Variations.

Purchase Album:

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