Catch Somewhere

Catch Somewhere, V: O my soul
Dieter Hennings, guitar. 
Daniel Pesca, piano. 
Paul Vaillancourt, percussion.

Instrumentation: guitar, percussion, and prepared piano

Year Composed: 2021

Duration: 30'

Program Notes:

I began work on Catch Somewhere as a MacDowell fellow in February and March of 2020. While I was there, I discovered a Walt Whitman poem I had not yet heard, “A Noiseless Patient Spider.”
A noiseless patient spider, 
I mark’d where on a little promontory it stood isolated, 
Mark’d how to explore the vacant vast surrounding, 
It launch’d forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself, 
Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them. 
And you O my soul where you stand, 
Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space, 
Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them, 
Till the bridge you will need be form’d, till the ductile anchor hold, 
Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul.
How perfectly, I thought, this summarized my experience at MacDowell. I had been gifted this wonderful isolation through which I could more intimately get to know my own practice. Perhaps this is what Whitman meant to describe, the way in which an artist flings ideas out into space until one of them “holds,” according to some internal validation.
Three years later, I no longer interpret the poem this way. Within days of my return from MacDowell, the pandemic introduced me, like all of us, to a new, much darker kind of isolation. In this time, I revisited the poem, and the meaning changed. I realize that the anchors I search for in the solitary act of creativity are not internal, but external. In isolation, I’m seeking a way of speaking, of saying something true and genuine, and finding an anchor that connects to someone, somewhere. In her essay, “The Dancing Mind,” Toni Morrison paraphrased a similar phenomenon, calling it “that intimate, sustained surrender to the company of my own mind while it touches another’s.” Catch Somewhere traveled with me through a year and a half of uncertainty, loss, discouragement, fear, and sometimes hope. Though the piece is not about this experience exactly, for better or worse, it is surely imbued with the circumstances under which it was created.

  • Catch Somewhere, III

    Catch Somewhere, III: little promontory
    Dieter Hennings, guitar
    Daniel Pesca, piano
    Paul Vaillancourt, percussion

Appears on Albums:

Catch Somewhere

Catch Somewhere Album Art

Released: 06/02/2023

New Focus Records

Portrait album with Zohn Collective, including Molly Barth, Zach Finkelstein, Dieter Hennings, Daniel Pesca, and Paul Vaillancourt. Led by Tim Weiss.

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