Six Line Drawings

Six Line Drawings avatar

Instrumentation: solo piano

Year Composed: 2016

Duration: 10-11 minutes

Program Notes:

Purchase Score

Unlike many of my recent pieces, the six short movements in this piano piece are not consciously organized into a larger form.  Still, though each movement is self-contained, the pieces in this collection share some aesthetic link.  I think of these pieces as drawings. They are meant to be immediate—a two-dimensional space that that enters the eye at once, but that the mind may comprehend more gradually.  At the same time, each piece is a continuous line of some kind.  The first piece, for instance, is a pseudo-hocket in which the persistent eighth-note pulse obfuscates the composite texture; it is deliberately ambiguous as to how many lines have been disbursed across the registers of the piano.  A listener may perceive an upper “descant” between the highest notes, a bass line between the lowest notes, and any number of internal voices.  Thus, many lines and shapes may emerge from what is really just a succession of eighth notes. 

  • Six Line Drawings

    Ryan MacEvoy McCullough, piano

Appears on Albums:

Line Drawings: Chamber Music of John Liberatore

Line Drawings: Chamber Music of John Liberatore Album Art

Released: August 1, 2018

Available on Albany Records.

Portrait album with:

Ryan MacEvoy McCullough
The Mivos Quartet
Duo Damiana
The Bent Frequency Duo
Jamie Jordan, Daniel Druckman, 
and the composer on the glass harmonica

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